GREEN’s DNA and objective are fundamentally to offer investors more planning security and therefore to jointly ensure that the transformation cannot be reversed.

Decarbonisation is the order of the day

The holistic and integrated approach covers all aspects of sustainability and therefore creates future-orientated chances and long-term added value.

Today, decarbonisation is already fundamentally changing markets, industries, companies, investors, society and those responsible for urban areas. Meanwhile Europe is at the forefront of the transition and is creating the necessary conditions for a successful transformation. All involved parties named, above all the global financial and investment markets, are seeking solutions in order to reach the sustainable development goals of the transformation and the Green Deal, and to limit global warming in the long term.

Decarbonisation offers companies, sectors and urban structures huge opportunities: for those who become climate neutral early on, and develop and deploy corresponding solutions and answers, not only avoid considerable long-term economic risks but also unrepairable damage to their reputation. Furthermore, for all relevant markets it also provides a huge new sales market in connection with the opportunity to become market leaders in a CO2-free world because climate neutral value creation will provide an increased competitive advantage in the future.

GREEN selects each project in close cooperation with the investor and therefore ensures that the transaction pays off in their individual strategy.

Green Finance Market – Relevant Drivers of the Transformation

Today, investors expect more information regarding what will be achieved with their investment and what positive effects the investment will have on the environment, societal change and the markets. On the rapidly growing market for sustainable financing, turnover worth billions is already being achieved - and the potential is by no means exhausted. With the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Commission’s “Green Deal” for a climate neutral Europe by 2050, the topic of sustainable finance has moved to the top of the priority lists of banks, strategic and institutional investors, asset managers and insurance companies.

In a successful transformation, in addition to the strategic and structural further development, supporting the cultural change and keeping all stakeholders on side is becoming increasingly important.

Since the energy transition has various requirements on the way towards climate neutrality, there is a great demand for advice. Our experts are happy to support you in drawing up a future-orientated strategy.

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